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  • Project
    In this project, learners build Steps 2 and 3 in Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork as they consider: How can we celebrate food? They explore food preparation and kitchens creating food demonstrations and recipe pages to share at a food fair.
  • Brilliant Books Premium
    In this project, learners build Steps 3 and 4 in Listening, Problem Solving and Aiming High as they consider: How can we inspire young people to read more? They promote reading in their local community by developing a reading reward scheme and redesigning a reading area.
  • Design Company Premium
    Learners apply Steps 3 and 4 of Creativity, Leadership and Teamwork. Discovering the colourful world of graphic design, learners design their own logo for a product. As graphic designers, students will learn how to use text and image to portray brand identity, develop a prototype and sell their designs.
  • Project
    In this project, learners build Steps 5 and 6 in Problem Solving, Creativity and Aiming High as they consider: What makes a community successful? They plan a new development for their community, including community research, architecture, engineering and construction.
  • Legal Eagles Premium
    In this project, learners build Steps 5 and 6 in Listening, Speaking and Teamwork as they consider: How do laws help to create a fair society? They explore different legal professions and take one of three criminal cases to trial: cyberbullying, theft or vandalism.
  • Project
    In this project, learners build Steps 5 and 6 in Staying Positive, Aiming High and Leadership as they consider: How can businesses make a positive contribution to the community? They develop a small business venture that provides a helpful service to their community.